Learn Chinese Fast: Singapore's "Chinese fever" continues to heat up

How to learn Chinese fast? The "Bilingual Policy" is a unique national policy of Singapore, which has made an important contribution to the internationalization of Singapore.

Learning Chinese is a "compulsory course" for every Singaporean Chinese.

The non-Chinese in Singapore have joined the ranks of learning Chinese, demonstrating the charm of the Chinese language and the potential of Chinese language communication. 

Not only the local non-Chinese in Singapore, but also more and more non-Chinese groups around the world are becoming interested in Chinese.

Starting from kindergarten, Singaporean Chinese children have to go through 6 years of primary school and 4 years of junior high school. There is no doubt that the long Chinese learning is beneficial for them to understand Chinese culture.

Children are like absorbent sponges. Their young minds have an amazing ability to quickly absorb new things and learn knowledge from their surroundings.

With guidance and encouragement from parents and teachers, children learn language and communication skills from the people they meet, see and do, including arts and crafts.

In addition to encouraging children to read extensively, they also need to teach them Chinese vocabulary and sentence structures through various opportunities.

Especially for children who are learning Chinese from an early age, they must pay more attention to the method. 

When children actively use language in everyday activities, they internalize it naturally. Let's see how Singaporean children learn Chinese fast since they were young.

Say it, draw it

Do your best to introduce Chinese character nouns to your children.

This can be done at any time of the day, even at home.

Learn Chinese Fast

For example, meal time is a good opportunity to not only teach your children the names of kitchen utensils and tableware, but even the different types of food on the table, you can slowly teach them one by one.

Sit down with your child after a meal and participate in an art jam session, where they doodle pictures of utensils and food they just ate with safe kid brushes to strengthen cognitive memory and manual skills.

For older children who are more artistically inclined, try using the new vocabulary you teach your children to let them be creative and draw cartoons of the things they are describing according to their own ideas.

It's a fun way for children to learn Chinese fast, encouraging them to think and express themselves when creating stories.

Don't just focus on how well and 100% like your child's finished drawing is, focus on the ideas they express in their drawings, and the language they use.

Mix up colors

Choose several primary colors from the paint kit and let your child mix them together. Let your child choose and mix different colors freely, and let them name the resulting secondary color in Chinese.

Interesting shape

Cutting with scissors, squeezing glue bottles, and applying glue to paper are all activities that help develop fine motor skills.

Kids love these tasks and they can improve coordination and dexterity, so why not take the opportunity and make it a moment to develop your child's artistic side?

Have your child cut out shapes such as circles, squares and ovals and name the shapes in Chinese.

You can also test them, or ask them to pair similar things together.

These activities can be done from the comfort of your own home and don't require a full day out. It is important to constantly use language when interacting during the event.

Of course, it's not just time to study! Use this opportunity to bond with your child and learn about their favorite colours, interests and activities.

How to learn Chinese fast? I think you should know!


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