
Showing posts from June, 2023


暑假已經到了, 小二中文暑假班 還遠嗎? 小朋友們已經上小二了,雖然年齡還小,可是這個時候開始學習中文已經不早了!趁著暑假時期,趕快來惡補一下中文吧,開學用中文成績驚艷同齡人! 為什麼要開設 小二中文暑假班 ? 暑假有兩個月呢,這兩個月可得好好利用起來了,這兩個與用來補習中文就剛剛好! 儘管中文經常被認為是最難掌握的語言之一,但學習中文遠非一項不可能的任務!其他非母語人士已經在你之前掌握了中文,你也可以這樣做。你只需要知道如何聰明地學習。 小二中文暑假班 會為小朋友提供持續有效地學習中文的技巧,以便您能夠快速進步。這些技巧將使您作為一名漢語學習者的生活變得更加輕鬆。 1.不要浪費時間手寫漢字 加快學習中文速度的一個簡單方法是不手寫漢字。當然,這裡需要注意的是,如果您正在參加需要這些知識的課程或考試,您應該花時間學習如何手寫字符。然而,對於一般學習來說,技術降低了學習如何手寫中文的重要性。 如今,您只需使用筆記本電腦或手機即可輸入中文,並且有數百萬人可以說流利的中文,但不會書寫。 實際上,手寫漢字的能力不再能幫助你用這種語言進行交流。這意味著漢語學習者不需要花那麼多時間來記憶漢字、漢字的組成部分和筆劃順序,為了提高閱讀能力和打字能力,學習者仍然需要學習如何識別看到的字符,但手寫能力並不是必須的。 這樣可以騰出很多學習時間。 用普通話書寫具有挑戰性,學習如何手寫漢字需要花費大量時間。 你可以用這段時間學習一些真正能讓你用中文與他人交流的材料。 2.使用語言學習軟件 巧妙地運用技術可以讓學習中文變得更加有效,但它是一個需要明智使用的工具。 教科書不再是語言學習的唯一資源。  現在,您可以通過手機和電腦輕鬆訪問學習漢語的有用資源。 有語言學習應用程序、數字和彈出詞典、實現間隔重複軟件的抽認卡應用程序、與母語人士聯繫的語言交換應用程序等等。 這些都是可以補充 小二中文暑假班 的好工具,但是當您計劃如何使用他們的技術幫助學習普通話時,您需要考慮他們各自的優勢和劣勢。為了充分利用互聯網資源和其他技術輔助工具來學習漢語,學習者必須將它們整合到一個平衡的學習計劃中。 例如,假設您正在使用一款中文學習應用程序,該應用程序通過其遊戲化界面讓您保持娛樂。 這對於保持你對中文的興趣很有幫助,但它會讓你感覺你需要更多的聽力和口語練習。 當您學習中文時,播客和視頻非常適合額外的聽力練習。...

Online Chinese Class is a Necessary Choice!

Online Chinese class is a necessary choice? For Chinese living abroad, in addition to working hard to adapt to the local life and culture, the most worrying thing is how to maintain or improve their children's Chinese proficiency. I often hear complaints from parents in various environments, how do I have to threaten and lure my child to go to a Chinese school?  The child speaks Chinese with a strange accent, so he refuses to speak Chinese. To tear the parent-child relationship. The onlookers nodded frequently as they listened, and it seemed that they often encountered obstacles in the matter of children learning Chinese.  Many parents think that as long as they are literate and read a lot, they will be able to learn Chinese well. However, one point has been overlooked, which is precisely the most important thing in Chinese primary school Chinese education - Hanyu Pinyin. Why learn Chinese Pinyin? Because Hanyu Pinyin is the criterion of standard pronunciation, it is the mo...


九龍中文補習 讓我女兒在2.5歲到5歲之間,學會了1000多個漢字,而我則和她一起學習說和讀中文。 中文是我女兒學會閱讀的第一門語言,她能流利地閱讀簡體字,在沒有拼音或註音的幫助下,還能認出未知數量的繁體字。 你以前說過這個嗎?“我開始用 中文 和我的孩子們說話……但他們只用英語回复。” 我也去過那裡。這種困難是真實存在的:當漢語是少數民族語言時,讓孩子們說中文可能是一個巨大的挑戰。那麼 九龍中文補習 如何教孩子說中文呢? 為什麼讓孩子說 中文 很難 如果你一直在嘗試撫養多語言的孩子,你就會知道這從來不是“只說中文”那麼簡單。 我們看到我們的移民父母面臨無數的障礙,包括在家教孩子第二語言。我不禁希望我們能夠提高我們孩子這一代的機會。 好消息:可以通過各種有趣且相關的策略來養成和維持說中文的習慣,這些策略可以在任何地方使用。 如何從說英語切換到說中文 雖然我和孩子們現在主要說中文,但我永遠不會忘記一開始是多麼困難。 幾年前,當我和女兒開始一起 學習中文 時,我們花了將近一年的時間才打破英語習慣並適應用中文交談的節奏。 另一方面,我的兒子從出生起就受益於我和姐姐的中文。但即使對於雙語嬰兒來說,主導語言的影響力也是不可否認的!雖然我兒子的嬰兒出生的許多單詞都是中文,但他的第一個真正的句子反射性地是英語,我們家的語言。 然而,通過溫和的一致性和有意識的語言策略組合,我已經能夠鼓勵我的孩子以及世界各地的許多其他家庭說 中文 。 九龍中文補習 教孩子如何用中文說話的 20 個策略 這篇文章有超過 20 個教孩子在家說中文的策略。這裡的重點是中文,因為那是我和我的孩子們說的。但是,無論您身在何處,您都可以使用這些策略來鼓勵任何少數民族語言。 每一種策略都需要有忠誠的父母或照顧者,但沒有一種策略能夠神奇地發揮作用。如果您至少應用其中一些策略,隨著時間的推移,您的孩子將有更好的機會定期說中文。 1. 堅持和孩子說中文 首先,用中文交談應該成為日常生活的一部分。兒童的理想習慣始於父母和/或其他主要照顧者(保姆、保姆、祖父母)的示範。 然而,我們中的很多人,甚至是那些以中文為母語的人,都會忘記或說錯英語。以下是可行的解決方案: 寫下用中文與孩子交談的提醒。 在手機上設置一個標有“說 中文 ”的鬧鐘。 記下今天你想用中文說的一件事。 在家裡用標籤創造一個豐富的中國印刷環境。 對自己要有耐心...


我是一位孩子的母親,我之前接受過 國際學校中文補習 ,我花了九個月的時間才達到將報紙社論從英文翻譯成中文、從中文翻譯成英文、閱讀小說並為人們翻譯的水平,我在開卷式錄音機時代就做到了這一點,早在那個時代之前 互聯網、在線詞典、語言學習應用程序、MP3 文件和 YouTube。 如果我反思自己所做的事情,我發現有六件事幫助我比其他和我一起學習的學生學得更快。 下面我列出了有關如何學習中文的每條提示,您可能希望將其應用到您的學習中。 我學習中文的六點建議:   盡可能多聽普通話 第一個月或者兩個月,只專注於傾聽。 國際學校中文補習 從專注於傾聽開始,只要習慣這些聲音就可以了,您應該閱讀您所聽到的內容,但使用拼音等拼音書寫系統來閱讀,以便更好地理解您所聽到的內容,最終你將不得不學習這些字符,但你可以一開始就忽略這些字符,而是嘗試在語言中獲得一點動力。 當你對單詞、它們的發音或它們如何協同工作沒有任何感覺時,開始學習 漢字 就太困難了。 一門新語言一開始聽起來就像是無差別的噪音。第一步是習慣該語言的各個發音,學習區分單詞,甚至讓一些單詞和短語在你的大腦中迴響。 我對普通話的第一次介紹是聽《漢語對話》,這是一種沒有字符的中間文本,只有羅馬化,在本例中是耶魯版的羅馬化。 如今,在中國發展起來的拼音已成為普通話羅馬化的標準形式。 在《漢語對話》中,敘述者語速太快,我以為他在折磨我們。但它奏效了,大約一個月後,我已經習慣了速度,並對語言有了感覺。 順便說一句,我認為從包含大量詞彙重複的中級文本開始學習語言是一個好主意,而不是過於簡單的初學者文本。播客和有聲讀物對此非常有用。50 年前我無法獲得這些。看電影和電視節目是吸引大量中國人傾聽的另一種極好的方式。 有了這種令人興奮的新語言的感覺和一些聽覺理解,我 學習漢字 的動力就增強了。 我想知道我一直在聽和習慣的單詞的漢字。 所以這是第一條建議,在前一兩個月專注於聽力和拼音。 學習漢語 ,普通話,是一個長期的工程。 它將帶您接觸超過 20% 的人類的語言和文化,並對世界歷史產生重大影響。 因此,如果你要 學習中文 , 國際學校中文補習 總是建議你學習漢字。 一旦你決定學習 漢字 ,就每天練習。每天花半小時到一個小時來學習漢字。使用任何你想要的方法,但每天留出專門的角色學習時間。為什麼每天?因為你很快就會忘記這些漢字,因此需要一遍又...


 在現代社會中,語文能力成為了一種不可或缺的技能。隨著全球化的發展,中文的重要性也日益突出。許多家長希望他們的孩子能夠熟練掌握中文,以便在未來的競爭中佔有優勢。在這樣的背景下, KPCC中文 補習機構應運而生,為孩子們提供優質的中文教育。 中文補習機構注重孩子們的語文培養,並致力於提供全面的 中文學習 課程。這裡的老師們都是經驗豐富、專業資深的中文教育專家,他們具有深厚的中文知識和教學經驗。無論是從拼音入門還是進階中文閱讀寫作,中文補習機構都能夠提供適合不同年齡和水平的學習計劃。 在 KPCC中文 補習的課程中,孩子們可以通過系統化的學習內容提升他們的語文能力。從基礎拼音到漢字書寫,再到閱讀理解和寫作表達,每個階段都有專門設計的教材和練習。同時, KPCC中文 補習機構也注重培養孩子的口語表達能力,結合課堂教學和口語練習,使孩子們能夠更加自信地使用 中文 進行交流。 除了正規課程外,中文補習機構還提供了豐富多樣的課外活動和文化體驗。這些活動旨在讓孩子們更深入地了解中國文化,培養他們對中文的興趣和熱愛。例如,舉辦中國傳統節日慶祝活動、組織參觀中國文化遺址等。這些活動不僅擴展了孩子們的視野,還增強了他們對中文學習的動力和積極性。 在 中文補習 機構的教學環境中,孩子們能夠感受到溫暖和關懷。老師們以身作則,與孩子們建立起良好的師生關係,給予他們適當的指導和鼓勵。同時,孩子們也能夠在這裡結交到志同道合的朋友,共同學習和成長。 中文補習機構的成果也得到了家長們的廣泛認可。許多孩子在這裡獲得了優異的中文成績,並且在 中文 能力上取得了顯著的進步。這不僅為他們的學業發展打下了堅實的基礎,也為他們的未來發展提供了更多的選擇。 總結而言, 中文補習 機構在培養孩子的語文才能方面發揮了重要作用。通過系統化的課程、豐富多樣的活動和溫暖關懷的教學環境,這裡為孩子們提供了學習中文的理想場所。無論是學術成績還是人格發展, KPCC中文 補習機構都致力於培養孩子們全面發展的語文能力,讓他們在未來的競爭中獲得更多的優勢。

Online Chinese Class is a Necessary Choice!

Online Chinese class is a necessary choice? For Chinese living abroad, in addition to working hard to adapt to the local life and culture, the most worrying thing is how to maintain or improve their children's Chinese proficiency. I often hear complaints from parents in various environments, how do I have to threaten and lure my child to go to a Chinese school?  The child speaks Chinese with a strange accent, so he refuses to speak Chinese . To tear the parent-child relationship. The onlookers nodded frequently as they listened, and it seemed that they often encountered obstacles in the matter of children learning Chinese.  Many parents think that as long as they are literate and read a lot, they will be able to learn Chinese well. However, one point has been overlooked, which is precisely the most important thing in Chinese primary school Chinese education - Hanyu Pinyin. Why learn Chinese Pinyin? Because Hanyu Pinyin is the criterion of standard pronunciation, it is the mo...

Online Chinese Class Will be Kids’ Friends

With the rise of overseas Chinese fever, more and more parents send their children to online Chinese class schools to study. However, when it comes to how to help their children learn Chinese, many parents often have some problems.  Discussing these problems and proposing solutions will play a very good role in the communication between teachers and parents. Common problems: 1.Sending children to school too early. Many parents are very enthusiastic about letting their children learn Chinese , and they can't wait for their children to come to Chinese schools when they are 4 years old.  But I didn't expect that from a psychological point of view, such a young child could not adapt to the continuous 3-hour Chinese class study. They can't concentrate in class and can interfere with older students' learning.  Moreover, since young children's eyes and hand bones are not mature enough, writing in small grids too early can easily cause myopia and wrist pain, which greatly...

Online Chinese Class for Kids,How?

The key to breaking through the "fossilization" of online Chinese class for kids , not just listening and speaking.  Dr. Li Dandan, an associate professor at the College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University, has been engaged in research on teaching Chinese as a foreign language for many years. This is her suggestion to overseas Chinese. Overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese mostly choose the series of textbooks compiled by the College of Chinese Language and Culture of Jinan University to learn Chinese. Dr. Li Dandan said that the difficulty of this set of textbooks varies from person to person.  However, judging from the laws summed up over the years, generally speaking, students progress faster when they are just starting out. After entering the intermediate stage of Chinese learning , it will be difficult to advance to the advanced stage, and the phenomenon of "fossilization" is prone to occur. "The so-called 'fossilization' means tha...


孩子學習中文還是不知道怎麼學?對中文學習完全提不起來興趣?一看中文書籍就犯困?別慌,‘ 我愛學語文補習 ’來幫助小朋友渡過中文學習難關! 市面上關於中文學習的課本多的數不清,可是,小朋友們如果對自己學習的課本不感興趣的話,那是根本沒有辦法學好 漢語 的,在這本書中,每一章節從易到難,由淺入深,完全根據小朋友的心裡接受程度設置課本難度。 在我愛學語文中,有以下 中文學習 tips需要注意! 寫作是學習漢語的重要組成部分。書面文字使我們能夠在線交流,記錄我們的想法和意見並與他人分享。 寫作也是 我愛學語文補習 的許多專業應用的重要組成部分,例如與同事、合作夥伴或客戶的交流。 最後,寫作也是許多能力測試的一部分。 與大多數其他語言相比,用 中文 寫作是不同的,因為它面臨著學習寫字和寫文章的雙重挑戰。 這是兩種完全不同的技能。 寫作是一個過程而不是一個產品 許多學生和老師把寫作當作一種產品,把重點放在文本本身。這種效果通常可以通過在寫作作業上打分然後繼續學習下一個單元來增強。 寫作最好被視為一個過程,你寫的東西只是你提高寫作能力的一個里程碑。這通常意味著你寫的文本更少,但你對每一個文本的處理更多。畢竟,目標是學習,而不是寫一定數量的字符。 閱讀更多——沒有足夠的閱讀,你永遠不可能寫出好文章。即使您的主要目標是提高寫作水平,您閱讀的時間也應該比寫作多很多倍。雖然寫作本身是一項你需要練習才能提高的技能,但寫作本身並沒有教會你任何關於這門語言的新知識,這也是事實。從這個意義上說,寫作是學習的結果,而不是學習的原因。 狹義閱讀——因為閱讀對於提高寫作能力非常重要,我將提出另一種特別有用的閱讀方式:狹義閱讀。 這是當您閱讀有關同一主題的幾篇文章時,這可以讓您習慣所使用的詞彙和結構。這不僅有利於培養閱讀能力,也是寫作的完美準備!這分享了寫摘要的許多好處,這也是從閱讀開始的。 專注閱讀——我保證,我們很快就會開始 寫作 ,但為了真正強調閱讀的重要性,讓我們看一下可以幫助您寫作的最後一種閱讀策略:專注閱讀。這是一種積極的閱讀形式,其目標是為您自己的寫作收集有用的語言。  這最適合那些掌握了一些 中文 寫作經驗的非初學者。如果您在寫作的某個方面遇到困難,請閱讀可能包含您可以學習的好例子的文本,然後收集您可以自己使用的文本片段。  例如,如果您認為很難表達因果關係(堅持使用因...

So what is the best way to learn Chinese?

The best way to learn Chinese depends on your personal learning style, preferences, and resources available to you. However, here are some effective strategies that can help you on your journey to mastering the Chinese language: Take structured courses: Enroll in a reputable language school, university program, or online course that offers a structured curriculum. This approach ensures a systematic progression through the language, covering essential aspects like pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and writing. Practice speaking with native speakers: Regularly engage in conversation with native Chinese speakers to improve your speaking skills and gain exposure to the language's natural flow. Language exchange programs, conversation partners, or language learning apps can connect you with native speakers for practice. Immerse yourself in the language: Surround yourself with Chinese as much as possible. Watch Chinese movies and TV shows, listen to Chinese music, and try to incorpora...

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Tell Why Your Kids Can’t Learn Chinese Well?

When chatting with parents before, I often heard many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to primary 3 Chinese tuition . "Mom, I don't want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!" "No, I have to go! Don't be self-willed, be good." "I hate Chinese!" Looking at the baby's red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of causing their children's rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese ? I believe that you who clicked into this article must have encountered a similar situation.  In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers. From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used. Although most of the children's tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce batt...

Primary 5 Chinese Tuition Help Children Win the PSLE!

If your children are in the fifth grade of primary school this year, after 1 more year, they will take the PSLE exam, Chinese is a big challenge for many students, so now, please pay more attention to primary 5 Chinese tuition ! What is PSLE? PSLE is the English abbreviation of Primary School Leaving Examination (Primary School Leaving Examination) in Singapore, also known as the Primary School Leaving Examination, and assign students to appropriate secondary schools. Every Primary 6 student is required to sit for the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE). This test will assess students' academic ability in order to place them in a secondary school that suits their academic progress and abilities. PSLE exam content 1. P1/P2: English, Chinese , Mathematics; 2. P3/P4: English, Chinese, Mathematics, Science; 3. P5/P6: English, Chinese , Mathematics, Science, Advanced Mother Tongue; After the reform, there will be two grades of standard and foundation for each subject. The PSLE has...

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition Tell Why Your Kids Can’t Learn Chinese Well?

When chatting with parents before, I often heard many mothers complain that their children are very resistant to primary 3 Chinese tuition . "Mom, I don't want to learn Chinese anymore, Chinese is so boring!" "No, I have to go! Don't be self-willed, be good." "I hate Chinese!" Looking at the baby's red eyes, most mothers dare not say a word to their children at this time, for fear of causing their children's rebellion against Chinese; some mothers start to question themselves, is it right to insist on letting their children learn Chinese? I believe that you who clicked into this article must have encountered a similar situation. In order to escape the Chinese class, the children often fought wits and courage with the old mothers. From the initial verbal resistance, to pretending to be sick and staying in bed, everything that can be used. Although most of the children's tricks ended in failure, there is no winner after a fierce battle. T...


每週都有數百萬人收看 中文專科補習 爭奪冠軍頭銜。 漢字 英雄是中國式的拼字比賽,但在本次挑戰賽中,小選手們必須手寫漢字。 每一筆,每一個破折號都必須在正確的位置。 經過兩輪緊張的比賽,王以洛被淘汰出局。 她向名人評委們鞠躬,然後迅速離開明亮的電視演播室。 在後台,她承認她花了幾個月的時間研究字典來為比賽做準備。 賭注很高; 17 歲時,這是她最後一次出現在節目中。 “我想在我太老之前參加比賽,”她解釋道。 或許這部劇的火爆應該不足為奇。與火藥和紙張一樣,許多中國人認為中國書法的創造是他們對文明的主要貢獻之一。 沒有 漢字 。 相反,每個單詞由一個字符或兩個或三個字符的組合表示。 一本受人尊敬的中文詞典列出了超過 85,000 個字符。估計每天有 7,000 個在使用。 但是關於如何組成這些字符的知識正處於危險之中。 在全國各地, 中國人 都忘記瞭如何在沒有計算機幫助的情況下書寫自己的語言。 智能手機和計算機上的軟件允許用戶使用 中文專科補習 輸入單詞的基本發音。從列表中選擇正確的字符。 結果?可以在不記得如何書寫的情況下識別字符。 但是,不起眼的畫筆仍有希望。中國教育部希望孩子們花更多的時間 學習如何寫字 。 在我們走訪的一所北京小學,學生們每天都在一間裝飾精美、牆上掛著國畫的教室裡練習書法。 一群六歲的孩子在用粗毛筆蘸黑色墨水時播放柔和的音樂。 他們經常抬頭看著黑板,研究老師的例子,然後煞費苦心地試圖在薄宣紙上重現這些字符。 如果大人不用手寫也能生存,何必現在教書法呢?請教戴眼鏡的書法老師沉斌。 “寫字的能力是中國傳統和文化的一部分,”她解釋說。 “學生現在必須學習,這樣他們長大後才不會忘記。” 但即使是沉女士也無法避免現代科技的影響。 “即使是像我這樣的老師,忘記某些字也是很常見的,”這位書法老師笑著承認。 “在這裡,我們都記得如何一起寫作。” 作為學校的新學科,中文教師(無論母語為母語還是非母語)往往將自己視為先驅。 並且他們經常面臨建立部門並取得好成績的壓力。 這可能意味著學習者有很多額外的支持,並且受到高度專注的教師的激勵。 儘管漢語在結構上存在差異,但學生的教學方式通常與歐洲語言的教學方式完全相同。 教師從交際方法開始——因此學習者必須及早掌握更複雜的字符。 例如我喜歡是“我喜歡”的字符。 如果可以自由發揮,教師可能會選擇構建更簡單的字符,例如從人和口...

Primary 3 Chinese Tuition or Playing LOL?

This year's world competition and primary 3 Chinese tuition is coming. When the game global competition is approaching, the game official announced some game-related activities and game modes yesterday, including the soul lotus series skins and unlimited firepower will be launched again during the finals. Of course, the above activities will be launched on the US test server first, and then will be launched to the official server.  Even so, I believe that many players still don’t know how to download the US test server, so here I will teach you how to perform the pbe test server Download and install, account registration, Sinicization~ According to reports, Public Enemy Rambo's basic health has been reduced, his growth health has been increased, and his basic life recovery has been reduced.  The upper limit of primary 3 Chinese tuition has been increased, the upper limit of overheat damage to wild monsters has been adjusted, the attack speed of overheat has been increased, ...

Primary 1 Chinese Tuition, the Next Chinese Interview Winner will be your Child!

"My family, Jeff, is already in  primary 1 Chinese tuition . He has started learning Chinese for more than half a semester. He is serious about reading, writing, pinyin, and literacy, but when he speaks Chinese, he becomes dumb. What should I do when the primary one interviews? What? Looks like I have to show Jeff a little one interview tutoring."... In fact, children do not speak Chinese because they dare not speak it. Children who have just learned a new language will inevitably feel that they cannot speak Chinese well and thus lack the courage to speak; So at this time, we need to encourage the children even more. We need to let the children understand that it doesn't matter if they say something badly, and it's great to speak up boldly! "Practice makes perfect", more talk and more practice will always make progress! So how can parents encourage primary 1 Chinese tuition ? If the child does not know what to say at the beginning, please encourage the chil...

Learn Chinese Fast: Singapore's "Chinese fever" continues to heat up

How to learn Chinese fast ? The "Bilingual Policy" is a unique national policy of Singapore, which has made an important contribution to the internationalization of Singapore. Learning Chinese is a "compulsory course" for every Singaporean Chinese. The non-Chinese in Singapore have joined the ranks of learning Chinese, demonstrating the charm of the Chinese language and the potential of Chinese language communication.  Not only the local non-Chinese in Singapore, but also more and more non-Chinese groups around the world are becoming interested in Chinese. Starting from kindergarten, Singaporean Chinese children have to go through 6 years of primary school and 4 years of junior high school. There is no doubt that the long Chinese learning is beneficial for them to understand Chinese culture. Children are like absorbent sponges. Their young minds have an amazing ability to quickly absorb new things and learn knowledge from their surroundings. With guidance and encou...